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Library of Congress Subject Areas
660 - Rumpun Ilmu Seni, Desain dan Media
670 - Ilmu Seni Pertunjukan
671 - Seni Tari
672 - Seni Teater
674 - Seni Musik
675 - Seni Karawitan
680 - Ilmu Kesenian
681 - Penciptaan Seni
683 - Antropologi Tari
684 - Seni Rupa Murni (seni lukis)
685 - Seni Patung
687 - Seni Grafis
688 - Seni Intermedia
690 - Ilmu Seni Kriya
692 - Kriya Kayu
695 - Kriya Tekstil
NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament
NX Arts in general
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
BF Psychology
D History General and Old World
D History (General)
D839 Post-war History, 1945 on
L Education
L Education (General)
LB Theory and practice of education
LT Textbooks
T Technology
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering